
  • KPI for sales teams

    Growth: Sales revenue (e.g. invoiced, closed deals, pipeline deals) Performance: win rate (won / SQL) Cost efficiency: sales CAC Underlying framework for managing sales function is the SALES FUNNEL. Each stage of the sales funnel can be measured and analyzed by volume (leads) and efficiency metrics (conversion rates, velocity). You should also pay attention to…

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  • Profit sharing

    Profit sharing among employees can increase ownership, accountability, and performance. If structured and communicated properly, it unlocks performance potential by inducing employees in search for growth or profitability measures. The profit sharing can structured around operating profit, gross margin, or cost savings. Example #1:Company sets a profit target of $0.5 mil. It allocates 1/3 of…

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  • Stop the bleeding…

    If you are running out of cash and face imminent threat to your survival here’s a recipie to survive; I. Find the margin and cut everything else Focus on your core activities and stop doing anything else immediately. Never try to sell your way out of losses. Within your core business identify add-ons with low…

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