Vision & goals

Start with what you do best. Describe your business in terms of added value. “Best”, “more value”, “fastest service” is meaningless. Be specific; “delivery in 24 hours, guaranteed”, “400.000 results in under 2 seconds”, “built with certfiied components only”.

Then, start building your vision by expanding the added value across value chain horizontally or vertically, and / or geographically. Think big. “Largest delivery network on the west coast by 2030”, “End-to-end manufacturing capabilities by 2029”, “Largest and most profitable producer in the country by 2045”, “3 FDA approved cancer treatments by 2045”.

Finally you can break down your vision into strategies and goals. In general, your objectives (vision and goals) must be:


Does it have real impact or are you just kicking a can down the road? If results don’t come true, does it change anything?


Does it feel too ambitous?When you read it, does it spark insecurity and uncertainity? Do you feel out of your comfort zone?


  • Core (added) value is not communicated enough. Make it part of your company letterheads, email signatures, presentations, etc.
  • Executive team does not share your passion nor vision. Ultimately, they are ambassadors of the performance culture in your company.
  • You sugar-coat your frustration (coming from missed goals) in front of the team or individuals. You need comrades to fight for your vision not a lovely audience to spare.